More than once I have caught myself embroiled in a self-pity party. Human? Yes. Productive? Not so sure. Here is the odd thing, though. I swear, I am being followed by a bluebird.
I don't mean a bird whose color is blue. On the Monterey Peninsula that would likely be a Stellar's Jay or a Scrub Jay, both of which are fairly common species to see. I mean a Western Bluebird. Western Bluebirds are commonly seen in the CSUMB/former Ft. Ord area, but are rarely seen on the Peninsula, according to my local expert birding friend.
The first time a Western Bluebird interrupted my moment of discouragement was months ago. My workplace has a lot of birds, but mostly Canadian geese, pigeons and gulls. At that particular moment, I remember staring blankly out of my office window and then suddenly realizing that I was focused on a Western Bluebird who had perched on a parking lot sign. It you are lucky enough to see a Western Bluebird, you might be stunned at how spectacular its coloring is. I certainly was, though my co-workers only understood my glee enough to make bluebird of happiness comments.
Today's encounter was eerily like the first. I was walking outside an office near downtown Monterey and had just come from a very long meeting which had been proceeded by a very disappointing email. Just to make sure you can imagine my mood, think about the storm clouds that graced us with their presence today. Got it? Multiply by ten. That's how I felt inside. About a second later I was stunned to see a gorgeous Western Bluebird perched right in my path. Call me crazy, but I swear that bird was posing for me as I dropped my folders and tried to get a picture with my iPhone. Unfortunately, you can't really identify it as a Western Bluebird from the picture posted above. I'm including it anyway just so I can prove that it was there.
Ration and probability suggest that likely the two birds I saw on the two separate occasions are not the same individual bird. Then again, ration would suggest that I am not being followed by a Western Bluebird of Happiness. Here's the thing that I find intriguing: bluebirds are associated with positive sentiments and are deeply rooted symbols in American, Asian and European culture. Isn't it odd that twice one should cross my path just when I needed it? Personally, I am open to messages from the Universe telling me to stop the self pity and get on with life.

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